Pinterest Marketing Secrets 2.0 is one of the most powerful medium you can use to attract massive traffic to your website. In addition, it allows you to tap into 176,000,000 users for free. In fact, studies have shown that 18% of the Pinterest users have the average income of $75,000 and higher. It means that there are potential clients you can tap into for your business.
Furthermore, with the power of Pinterest, you can utilize images, private messages, as well as videos to direct people to your website, YouTube videos, or any posts of your choice. This allows you to bring massive traffic to your landing page in which you are able to build massive subscribers base for your business on a daily basis.
Remember, your formula will always be… Visitors —> Build Subscribers –> Potential Customers —> Relationship Building —> Revenue For Your Business. That’s exactly the power of Pinterest Marketing
Pinterest Marketing Step-by-Step 2.0 Checklist
Pinterest Marketing Step-by-Step 2.0 Checklist:
[ ] Pick up a Niche.
[ ] Choose a Domain Name.
[ ] Choose a Hosting Account.
[ ] Get Auto-Responder Account.
[ ] Get Tracking Tools.
[ ] Get Pop-up Screen.
[ ] Get Pinterest Themes.
[ ] Choose Affiliate Products.
[ ] Install WordPress Blog.
[ ] Add The Right Pinterest Theme.
[ ] Add Sidebar Menu and Opt-in Form.
[ ] Redirect Opt-in Form to Affiliate Product.
[ ] Add Pop-up Screen to Your Pinterest.
[ ] Set-up Pinterest Account.
[ ] Set-up Profile.
[ ] Add website.
[ ] Connect Your Pinterest to Other Social Networking Sites.
[ ] Add description.
[ ] Upload Photo.
Traffic Tasks:
[ ] Gather 300 Followers A Day in Your Niche.
[ ] Ask Subscribers to Follow You.
[ ] Repin Other Follower Posts.
[ ] Pin Other Followers Posts.
Weekly Tasks:
[ ] Monday & Wednesday: Pin Your Blog Posts.
[ ] Tuesday & Thursday: Pin Your Video Posts.
[ ] Friday: Pin Motivational Quote.